The idea for the PUM&CITY mobile application isa response to the needs of foreign students andpersons coming to our University, for examplefor Erasmus + exchange students.The application will be perfect for the localmarket and will make it easier for students tonavigate between University hospitals andbuildings.It will direct every user to locations related toPUM and science.It will secure a certain route to a medical clothingstore or provide a map of the PUM buildings.We want this app to prove itself among theapplicants. It could help foreigners to choosespecific major, as well as to get acquainted withthe City prior to making decision. The app willallow for quick communication with theAdmissions Office for the English Programs.Mobile App designed to run on a devices withAndroid and iOS is available in English and Polishlanguages.Within the frames of NAWATitle of the project: Increasing competencies ofthe academic staff and the institutions’ potentialto receive people from abroad – Welcome toPoland.The PUM project, titled "PUM przyjaznym iotwartym miejscem dla międzynarodowejwspólnoty akademickiej. PUM is a friendly andopen space for an international academiccommunity",Agreement No PPI/WTP/2019/1/00052/U/00001was fully financed by National Agency forAcademic Exchange.